Information pursuant to Section 5 of the German Telemedia Act (TMG):
Linders Real Estate
Halfmannstraße 14
42489 Wülfrath
Telephone (0 20 58) 91 03 50
Fax (0 20 58) 91 31 19
Owner: Annette Linders
Professional supervisory authority: Commercial office of the administrativedistrict of Mettmann
Photo credits: Thomas Ott
Illustrationen: HH Vision
Liability for Contents Pursuant to Section 7, Paragraph 1 of the German Telemedia Act (TMG), we as a service provider are responsible under general law for our own contents on this website. However, pursuant to Sections 8 through 10 of the TMG we are not responsible as service providers to monitor transferred or stored information of third parties or to research circumstances that suggest an illegal activity. Obligations to remove or block the use of information under the general laws remain unaffected. Any liability in this respect is, however, only incurred from the moment that knowledge of the specific breach of law is obtained. When we become aware of legal violations we will remove the content that is in violation of the law.
Liability for Links Our offer contains links to third-party websites for which we have no influence over the contents. Therefore we can assume no liability for this third-party content. The provider or operator of the linked pages is always responsible for their content. The linked pages were inspected for possible violations of law at the time of the placing of the link. Illegal contents of external links were not identifiable at the time of linking. However, continuous control of the content of these websites without specific indications of infringement is not considered reasonable. We undertake to remove such links immediately if and when infringements become known.
Copyright The works and matters of the website operator presented on these pages are subject to German copyright law. Duplication, editing, dissemination and any kind of utilization outside the limits prescribed by the copyright laws require the written consent of the author or creator. Downloads and copies of this page are only allowed for personal, non-commercial purposes. Insofar as the content on this site is created by the operator, the property rights of third parties are recognized. In particular, third party content is identified as such. If you nevertheless become aware of a copyright infringement, we request that you notify us immediately. We undertake to remove such content immediately if and when infringements become known.
Data Privacy As a rule, this website may be used without the need to specify personal information. Insofar as personal data are collected on our site (e.g., name, address or email addresses), this will be on a preferably voluntary basis to the furthest extent possible. None of this personal data will be forwarded to any third parties without your express consent.
Please note that data transmission over the Internet (e.g., when communicating via email) always comes with a security risk. It is not possible to protect such data completely against access by third parties.